AMWD.Net.Api.Netcup.Ccp 0.1.1-3
Netcup CCP API
This project aims to implement the netcup CCP API.
Only the DNS API is provided, the reseller API will follow some time soon.
uint customerNumer = 12345;
string apiKey = "12345678901234567890123456789012";
using (var client = new NetcupApiClient(customerNumber, apiKey))
var loginResult = await client.Login("SomeApiPassword");
var dnsRecordsResult = await client.InfoDnsRecords(loginResult.ResponseData.ApiSessionId);
await client.Logout(loginResult.ResponseData.ApiSessionId);
foreach (var record in dnsRecordsResult.ResponseData.Records)
Published under MIT License (see tl;drLegal)
No packages depend on AMWD.Net.Api.Netcup.Ccp.