AMWD.Protocols.Modbus.Tcp 0.3.3-17

Modbus Protocol for .NET | TCP

The Modbus TCP protocol implementation.


A simple example which reads the voltage between L1 and N of a Janitza device.

string host = "modbus-device.internal";
int port = 502;

using var client = new ModbusTcpClient(host, port);
await client.ConnectAsync(CancellationToken.None);

byte unitId = 5;
ushort startAddress = 19000;
ushort count = 2;

var registers = await client.ReadHoldingRegistersAsync(unitId, startAddress, count);
float voltage = registers.GetSingle();

Console.WriteLine($"The voltage of device #{unitId} between L1 and N is: {voltage:N2}V");

If you have a device speaking RTU connected over TCP, you can use it as followed:

// [...]

using var client = new ModbusTcpClient(host, port)
	Protocol = new RtuProtocol()

// [...]


Published under MIT License (see choose a license)

No packages depend on AMWD.Protocols.Modbus.Tcp.

.NET 6.0

.NET 8.0

.NET Standard 2.0

Version Downloads Last updated
0.4.2 14 07.02.2025
0.4.1-7 9 06.02.2025
0.4.1-5 13 05.02.2025
0.3.3-17 12 28.01.2025
0.3.3-16 11 28.01.2025
0.3.3-15 10 28.01.2025
0.3.3-6 23 21.01.2025
0.3.3-3 37 13.12.2024
0.3.3-2 27 12.11.2024
0.3.3-1 33 09.09.2024